RV PARTNERS LLP is a quality oriented auditing firm committed to the highest standard of excellence.
Our partners and staffs are committed to serve personally all our clients ensuring that the services provided are of the highest level. Our clients are treated with respect and care which are supported by:
Mrs. Jemma Ramdane FCCA is a fellow member of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA), a member of the Mauritius Institute of Professional Accountant (MIPA), and a qualified chartered secretary by the Registrar of Companies. She has held senior positions in large companies in Mauritius as accountant and auditor. She has 12 years of working experience during which she has gained valuable knowledge and skills in auditing, accounting, regulatory and compliance matters. At RV Partners LLP, she is responsible for the technical and compliance issues as the Ethics and Compliance Partner.
Mr. Vicky Ramdane FCCA is a fellow member of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA), a member of the Mauritius Institute of Professional Accountant (MIPA), a member of the African Accounting and Finance Association (AAFA), a public accountant and a licensed auditor by the Financial Reporting Council in Mauritius. He has held senior positions in offshore companies, audit firms, banks and insurance companies. He is a dedicated finance professional with more than 15 years of progressive experience in accounting, auditing, taxation and business advisory. He has met with varying degrees of responsibilities and challenges; he has progressed from the base to the pinnacle of his career as Director of Audit and now Audit Partner at RV Partners LLP, the first LLP in Mauritius to do auditing.
Our audit team has extensive background in the provision of audit and assurance services with a client focused attitude to ensure our clients get the very best results possible. Our Audit partner believes that in audit, majority of the learning happens on the job while working with the team. We are always on the move from client to client continually building our experience and expertise to help the needs of our clients.